Easy onboarding with CSign

Easy onboarding with digital identification

A new customer often involves an onboarding process, some more extensive than others. In a worst case scenario, such a process can be seen as an obstacle to become a customer. In other words, it is important to have a process that is perceived as fast and smooth.

With CSign's service Easy onboarding, it is exactly what you get. A smooth process that quickly registers a person as a new customer or member.

How does it work?

Our onboarding process is based on secure digital identities. Customers identifies themselves with one of the approved digital identity methods we have integrated in the platform. The onboarding is carried out fast and smooth, and at the same time the process is safer than an onboarding where the person enters personal information and sets a password. With an approved digital identification method, we can ensure the identity of the person and know that the right person creates the account. At the same time, CSign retrieves information, such as age and address details.

Advantages with Easy onboarding:

  • Easy to sign up as a member or customer.
  • No need for password or username.
  • Know your member or customer without asking for information.
  • Reduced the risk of losing customers due to long onboarding processes.

Peter Källström, Sales Manager

Contact our Sales Manager Peter Källström for more information,
+46 (0)72-184 40 40